9828 Tango Tango Bravo

Ever wondered how many days you might have left to live? It’s a question that seems straight out of a suspense novel, but for me, it’s something I think about. According to life expectancy data in the United States, I have 9828 days left. It’s a number that serves as a personal countdown, a reminder of the fleeting nature of my time here.

What Will I Do With 9828 Days?

Imagine waking up every day to a countdown. Each morning, that number ticks down, a whisper of urgency that echoes, “Make today count.” But what does that truly mean? It’s how I want to shape the world in the time I have left.

Ever wondered how many days you might have left to live?

I’ve shown my family love, and that’s a start. Love isn’t about reciprocation; it’s about the act itself—pure and fulfilling. it doesn’t matter if somebody squandered my love. I have loved.

But my aspirations stretch beyond the personal. Seneca, the ancient philosopher, once noted the beauty in having time after achieving all of life’s milestones. He said, “…he has won his honorable discharge and is free—who still lives after his life is completed.”

I am trying to apply this not just to my life, but to my day. If I can accomplish my goals early enough in the day, even if that means starting at 5 am, then I am free the remainder of the day, and it doesn’t matter if the day goes sideways afterwards. I attained my goal.

So what is my goal? To leave this world better than I found it. This might sound daunting, but it’s about simple acts multiplied over days, and by lives touched.

Through my writing, interviewing, and non-traditional media projects, I shed light on those who make silent sacrifices and inspire change—titans and unsung heroes who influence more than they realize.

Decoding Tango Tango Bravo Mean

Simone Dominique story produce documentary Department of Defense
Simone Dominique image by Mitch Sandblast

Now, back to the cryptic “Tango Tango Bravo.” It’s a reminder from a media project I consulted on with the Department of Defense, where clarity and precision in communication were paramount.

The DoD used a military alphabet to ensure clarity over radio communications. To me, the military word ‘Tango’ symbolically represents the T in Titans, and Bravo represents the B in beacons of light whose efforts extend far beyond what we see. I emphasize the importance of clear, impactful communication in recognizing and celebrating both the visible and hidden contributors to our society.

As I count down from 9828, I’m driven to act with intention. Each day is a new opportunity to contribute, to help, and to inspire. 

To make each day count. And to be clear about it. 

And when I face self-doubt, which is sure to come, let this post remind me how many days I am lucky to maybe have left.

9828 Tango Tango Bravo.