Happy Father’s Day

Jun 16, 2024

This was a poem that I wrote for my father 10 years ago. I have sent it to him over the years to let him know it still holds true.

Happy Father’s Day
to the man who knows how it feels
to have his heart walk around outside his body
and forever tries to keep his children safe

Happy Father’s Day
to the man who knew that an education was a priority for his daughters
and who thought that there was no such thing as ‘girl subjects’ or ‘boy subjects’
because girls could handle just the same

Happy Father’s Day
to the man who believed that his daughters
should be paid fairly
long before the call to equal pay was chic

Happy Father’s Day
to the man who accepts us unconditionally
even when our actions don’t mimic his
thoughts and wishes

For he knows an extension of himself
may bend and curve
in unknown directions
but it circles back with love

We, too, know how it feels
to have our hearts walk around
outside our bodies
Happy Father’s Day, Dad